What to Do When You are Getting Depressed | Socyberty

What to Do When You are Getting Depressed | Socyberty


  1. I like this blog , honestly, I just listen to music
    when I'm getting depressed . Sometimes, I just
    go to a place where everyone was happy so that
    I can forget my problems for a while . :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like your blog. Honestly as a student, it's hard to overcome depression. Because it's in your mind. You overthinking of things. You think of negative thoughts. It feels like you are trap. Trap in your own thoughts, in your own mind.

    What I do to overcome it is taking deep breaths. Music helps me the most. Positive thinking. And lastly, having someone to talk to. In that way, I can overcome it. :)

  4. I like this blog becauesit gives me more information to avoid depression. And we can spread or share information in what are we supposed to do if you or someone is depressed. Because, Nowadays students are so emotional physically and mentally.


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