How to Prevent Youth Cigarettes Use

How to Prevent Youth Cigarettes Use


  1. "Using cigarette is OK as long as it will not become habitual."

  2. Cigarettes smoking is dangerous to your health, right?.. It's a better idea that parents should talk to their children not to try to smoke or quit smoking. It is important that they should realize it ahead of time before it ends to a disease like Cancer or Tuberculosis.

  3. As a youth also, I recommend those smokers user that they should stop using cigarettes because that is dangerous to our health.

  4. Yes. Parental guidance is most important for the youth especially this generation. They must be responsible to to their children. They have to give them advise to avoid cigarettes smoking because it is not good to their health.

  5. For me to prevent the youth to use cigarette, they must have a past time like joining different sports basketball, volleyball and etc.
    Through it, they can able to help parents. As youth, you should also have choice who will be your friends. If they are good or bad influence to you.

  6. As a student,I try to explain them the bad effects of the cigarette to their health and convince them to join in an organization for youth and teach them about God's words.I also try to convince them in any kind of sports so that they can't prevent smoking.

  7. The blog is very informative and influential! It was a big help for everyone especially to the readers.

    "Youth Cigarettes Smoking Can Be Prevented By Parents". It is a fact that parents should be the first one to encourage their children to avoid using cigarettes. In that way, both can contribute to avoid health problem by preventing smoking.

    Hope to read more your blogs!
    Thank you!

  8. Great blog! It was so knowledgeable to read. To all the parents and their children, I do believe that cigarette is dangerous to the health so, don't smoke. Say no to cigarettes.

  9. We can prevent youth to use cigarette by setting a good example. If you are a cigarette smokers, you have to start cutting off your addiction. We can conduct seminar to encourage the youth not to become a smokers. They need to have a healthy living.

  10. A very interesting topic! It helps me to know the side effects of using cigarettes. It is really true that smoking is dangerous to our health because there are many cases that prove that using cigarettes can destroy the life of the person.

  11. This articles about how to prevent cigarettes is very important. It gives emphasis to all teenagers about the dangerous effect of smoking. It can inform the youth to know that smoking is a killer.

  12. People are using cigarettes specially to youth in our generation. Parents need to advice their children or they must exercise parental guidance because it is not good for the health it may cause of illness.

  13. "Cigarettes smoking is dangerous to our health" the reminders that we need to follow. Using cigarettes is not good to your body especially to our health. Self discipline is a must. You can discipline yourself if you want because youth is the hope of the future.

  14. We must to focus our studies, avoid from the bad influence of our friends. and the most important is to have a self discipline so that we avoid to use cigarettes! In this simple way we can prevent using cigarettes

  15. Great. This topic would help a lot of people. Nice blog, quitting smoking won't be easy. Consider a gain to finally quit on that! Stop buying a pack of cigarettes. Try to consult a doctor or an expert..

  16. A very nice and interesting topic. I was so amazed for the young boy,
    who designed the bubble Iphone application. He is a real genius.
    I hope there is more wonderful topic like this to be read.

  17. Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health specially the youth who use it. As youth, we must avoid from using cigarettes. We have to follow our parents and also we must exercise self control

  18. What a great blog! Cigarette is good but we have to know our limitations in
    using it. I hope that teenagers know what is the effect of using this
    kind of vice so they can prevent sickness.

  19. This articles are very interesting topic because it gives information and idea to the people especially the teenagers who use cigarettes. It helps to know the effects of it. It is dangerous to our health.

  20. This article is really a good information. More people need to know because this is a serious problem and people really need to know all the harmful effects of smoking. "Cigarette must be avoided".

  21. Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health specially the youth who use it. As youth, we must avoid from using cigarettes. We have to follow our parents and also we must exercise self control

  22. I always bear in mind this slogan "Smokers don't get older for they die young."

  23. Its better to encourage the youth specially to student to stop smoking as long as much earlier. Actually i am also smoking user but i realize when everyday i smoke i felt weak. Its hard for me to stop smoking because i felt addicting in smoke. My day is incomplete when i did not use it. We all know it is dangerous to our health we must make campaign to stop using cigarettes.

  24. As a youth today we should strive to have great future. Focus on studies and avoid using cigarettes. We should attend in different activities rather than entering vices like using destructive products like cigarettes and drugs.

  25. Did you know that Cigarette can lessen 10% of our life? Cigarette have nicotine, which is destroying one’s body. We need to stop using this by thinking what will be the effect of the cigarette in our body. Parents have the responsibility to talk to their child regarding this matter.

  26. Cigarette..!?
    That is dangerous to your health..
    And my advice to all addicted smokers please
    stop that
    or avoid smoking...
    Cause if you continue that, you will die at
    younger age..

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Cigarettes is very dangerous to our health. If we want to live longer we have to take good care of our health...

  29. Strictly followed smoking ban policy anywhere and continously advertise smoking is dangerous in our health.

  30. Upon buying cigarettes we can see the warning "cigarettes smoking is dangerous to your health" but why do people continue to smoke? In order for us to prevent the youth from smoking first, it should start at home. Parents must be a good model. They should not allow their children to smoke.

  31. Nice Blog to each everyone!
    Well, When we heard about cigarettes it comes to our mind bad influence specially to the youth now.

    To prevent cigarettes use and other vices is through participating in youth sports and buying is not the best remedy....

  32. Having a smoker friend is so annoying ,
    To those who smoke please stop it because it will lessen your lifespan .
    It is so dangerous to our health not only for the first hand smokers but also
    for those secondhand smokers

  33. You can be addicted to Cigarette use. As a parent, we are there to guide them, set the children mind in physical activities or sports. Save the children from cigarette....

  34. I think those smokers don't even care their health. It's OK to smoke but not too much because it is so dangerous.

    Don't be Late, you stop smoking but your body is already contaminated, how sad.

  35. Say no to youth smoking,
    If you don't smoke, keep it up. If you do smoke ,quit now! because it may become a long term health problem

  36. Wake up " People" Cigarretes is Dangerous!
    Remember life is too short for those users,
    I Hate Cigarettes Forever.......

  37. For this blog, Smoking Prevention and Policies will do, such as:
    1.A rap video using multicultural models in situations that teach refusal skills.

    2.A "take back the community" project, where billboards with cigarette ads are whitewashed.

    3.Short plays, written in street language and performed where youth gather, which provide information about smoking and other dangers to adolescents.

  38. For the youth, "smoking is dangerous to your health" This will be a reminder and set as a good example to everyone,,,

  39. Youth an early period of a development.....How to prevent smoking???
    Youth must encourage themselves to attend seminar and any workshop to their community
    rather than to smoke...")

  40. Some diversional activity tips..,
    Instead of smoking, engage with sports or join youth clubs,
    attend fund raising activities..., do any alternatives,
    so you forgot to smoke....

  41. nice article!!!!cigarettes smoking is dangerous to our health.because it can cause lung cancers.
    Sometimes the reason why take an individual use cigarettes it is because of habits..oh????
    I can't believed it !!! because if you try ,its so hard to control yourself.

  42. Right ! Parents should talk to their children about the disadvantages of cigarettes . Because its too harmful in our body . So stop smoking specially to the tennager .

  43. We know that cigarette is harmful to any one's health. For the parents who have teenager, they should teach their children on how to prevent smoking by, facing their child in any field like enrolling them in physical fitness school.

  44. Using Cigarette is very dangerous especially to all young because Cigarettes have an ingredients that will destroy their body. .Stop using Cigarettes if you want to live longer that's the only thing that I canl share.

  45. Don't dare put CIGARETTES out in your daily life, it is a deadly which can destroy your future...
    If you're a smoker, It's not too late QUIT now!!!!!!

  46. Health care should not be neglected because it might break down when you use cigarette ..

  47. ..saying smoking cigarettes is dangerous to health..reminder to all Filipino avoid cigarettes unhealthy.

  48. The cigarettes is not good to the health and also destroy your future if you use it.

  49. Parents should avoid the cigarette so children will not mimic them because it could damage their health.

  50. As they said smoking is dangerous to our health, why did they still selling cigarettest? Right?
    Hopefully they will stop selling it.

  51. Smoking is dangerous to your health. All people know this but they just ignore it. I can say is stop selling Cigarettes!.

  52. Cigarette is dangerous to health, It can lessen your lifespan so, stop smoking

  53. We have so many things to do to prevent this kind of habit,
    example, joining events in sports. It's a big help for the
    person who takes cigarettes without limit.

  54. Cigarette smoking is dangerous, mostly young people who use it

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Like the advertisement in Television said, "Smoking is Dangerous to your Health." Most of the smokers are the Teenagers like students. I hope that all cigarette vendors will not sell to those minor age.

  57. We should avoid cigarette to have a long and phosphorus life.

  58. This blog is knowledgeable. Smoking is very dangerous to our body. Eventhough some people didn't smoke, it can also harm to them just because of second hand smoke.. It is so important to spread our knowledge about the harmful effects of the smoke of the cigarette.

  59. This blog is knowledgeable. Smoking is very dangerous to our body. Eventhough some people didn't smoke, it can also harm to them just because of second hand smoke.. It is so important to spread our knowledge about the harmful effects of the smoke of the cigarette.

  60. This blog is knowledgeable. Smoking is very dangerous to our health. Eventhough some people didn't smoke, it can also harm to them just because of second hand smoke.. It is so important to spread our knowledge about the harmful effects of the cigarette.


  61. This article is informative and knowledgeable. It motivates me to do something good about myself as a student and it helps me to be aware in our environment.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Youth today is hungry in cigarettes. Maybe it caused by the modernization of the country that some factory of cigarettes are escalating. But on the other hand, if youth knows what will happen to them if they take cigarettes maybe they can prevent using it.

  64. For me to prevent youths to use cigarettes they must have a good past time like playing Mobile Games, joining sports Clinic and many others. And also for parents they need to check or talk to their children, not use cigarettes and Alcoholic Beverages. Smoking and Drinking alcoholic drink is not that bad if a person use and drink it responsibly and in moderation.


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