How to Avoid Having Dark Underarms

How to Avoid Having Dark Underarms


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's great to know about "How to Avoid Dark Underarms". It's an extremely helpful article especially to those women who have a dark underarms.

  3. For me this article about "How to Avoid Having Dark Underarms" is interesting because I get some tips. It helps some people especially women who suffer from dark underarms.As a women it is embarrassing to have a underarms.

  4. Its so interesting to know ,about How to avoid Dark Under arms because many people suffer this! we must know how to improved our self in a simple way.

  5. This blog is a big help to everyone you can get some tips of how to avoid having dark underarms, specially to women. For me, to avoid having dark underarms don't use deodorant that not compatible with your skin. As early as you can take care of your underarms.

    Have a nice day!

  6. This is great article. Many women have dark underarms because of heat of sun it becomes sticky and dark. The tips are great help to all women to avoid their dark underarms.

  7. Nice blog! The article was helpful. It was so knowledgeable to read.

  8. Your article is great and very interesting especially to women who have dark under arms. I get some tips from it and I can also share that tips to my friends so they will not worry about their dark underarms.

  9. great. women will have less suffer on this article. we filipina should have our own personal hygiene when it comes to our underarms

  10. Yes. It is important that every women should know how to avoid having dark underarms. If you have a dark underarm you can't wear sleeveless even if you want because you are scared and shy to others.

    You should choose a deodorant that fits on you because if you are using different deodorant, it may cause infection and begin to darken your underarm.

    Great blog! More power.

  11. For me to avoid having dark underarms at the young age of 14, don't pull the hair in your underarms just let it, and when having take a bath just clean it very well. As an additional tips rub lemon in your underarms and rinse your armpit well.

  12. It's nice, interesting, and helpful blog...You gave hope those women who had dark underarms.Thank you for sharing your idea on how to avoid dark underarms in an easy and natural way. I hope you can share more!

  13. This Article about "How to Avoid Having Dark Underarm" is important to know particularly a woman because she can get tip on how to avoid having dark underarm. Now, I know to avoid it. Thanks to your article.

  14. Great! It was a big help for every women who have this kind of problem because nowaday, majority of them are much aware of having dark underarms so, knowing your tips will help us a lot to avoid and prevent darkening of underarms.

    Great job!
    More power!

  15. Your blog is very interesting to read. To those women who have dark underarms, please don't ignore this kind of problem. Thank you for sharing us this blog.

  16. I like your blog but I am still looking for a cheapest way how to whiten my armpit.

  17. Simple, but you can help many people with this blog on How to Avoid Dark Underarms, most especially to those women suffering from darken underarms. Thank you for your tips. I have now an idea on how to prevent dark underarms.

  18. I'm glad reading your blog.
    Nice tips...using alum powder instead of deodorants....

  19. Thank's for this blog, I know this is important for all women.
    because all of us like a smoother and whiter armpits…
    So don’t go throwing away all your cute sleeveless tank tops yet…
    be proud of your own Underarms :-)

  20. Nice blog!!!
    It's very helpful one for everyone of us. Natural treatment is much better...

  21. Great blog!! Nice tips for a women having dark underarms. Much better if we use natural hygiene like alum powder or Citrus.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Many women suffer from dark underarms thanks for the blog because it can help them a lot..
    Do not use deodorant that is not compatible with your skin, it is one of the cause of having
    dark underarms...

  24. We can use citrus if we want to have a white underarm. Because citrus will help a lot!! Great Blog! Thanks to you.

  25. Simple tips on this blog just put a citrus on your underarm after taking a bath. That's all.

  26. Favor for all women!:)
    Proper hygiene will do...

  27. It’s nice and helpful blog…
    This kind of blog is very interesting to read,
    it can help others on how to avoid dark underarms.
    Thank you for sharing an idea how to prevent dark underarms.
    I hope that you will share more about interesting topic.:) happy:) happy:) happy

  28. Thanks for this blog , i know it helps a lot for those who have a problem to their underarms.

  29. It's nice to know that natural ways can make every women beautiful .
    This blog can help a lot because many women suffer from having
    a dark underarms because they might be using a chemical deodorant .

  30. Dark underarms are common problem among women and usually cause a lot of embarrassment too, by reading this blog "How to Avoid Having Dark Underarms." It can whiten our dark underarm easily.

  31. This blog helps a lot for those who have underarm problem. This may catch the attention of the ladies, particularly if this can prevent nor improve their personal hygiene...

  32. Having a dark underarms was so embarrassing, like in women'
    but after reading this article, maybe it can help women to prevent their problems of having a dark underarm.

  33. Body should be kept clean by every day bathing and always wipe your sweat so you will not have body odor.

  34. Problem regarding dark underarm is the most common to all men and women . It is one of embarrassing part when our underarm was not so good to see. To prevent it we should take care of our bodies particularly taking a bath everyday.

  35. hehehe..."Ha! Dark underarm?".. Bad to see, bad to hear,! Keep it secret.. Nice blog, girls and boys get a simple tips to avoid a dark underarm.

  36. How to avoid having dark underarm, this is a nice topic to be discuss. Because many of us are suffering this kind of problem.

  37. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY because it serves a treasure to us.
    BE watchful. Avoid sweating, take a bath regularly to avoid DARK underarms. THANK'S FOR SHARING:)


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