How to Socialize and Communicate Online

How to Socialize and Communicate Online


  1. "How to Socialize and Communicate Online" is so interesting. You can Communicate and Socialize to your family or friends outside the country through modern technology. It is important to get in touch with our loved ones.

  2. I have learned that communicating online is very helpful to us, especially communicating to our relatives, family and friends abroad. But we have to consider the posting of some photos and videos because there are so many people who have a bad intention. We have a high technology now. Thank you for your blog.

  3. People today are updated on social networks like the facebook, twitter and other websites. Almost all people around the world are using it. I also use facebook sometimes because it is the coolest way of communicating today. I read accurate information about the disadvantage of using these social networks. I will try to minimize using it for the sake of my reputation.

  4. Socializing online is good as long as you know your parameter. To go beyond limit, can destroy your reputation.

  5. Everyone is interested to open websites especially when it is free. Facebook is the most popular website in communicating and socializing their love ones wherein they can share photos, videos and conversations. It is the easiest and fastest way to communicate people around the world. But we have to be careful and limit the information when we socialize to strangers.

  6. Now a day, we are in the latest trend of technology. Be aware in your actions . Socializing online can possibly ruin your life. Nice blog!!

  7. Socializing and communicating online is the easiest way to find our long lost relatives and friends but, still we have to be careful in giving information about ourselves to avoid stolen identity.

  8. Socializing and Communicating is a big help to everyone especially to those people who have relatives outside the country. Although it helps us to communicate with everyone in an easy way but still, don't forget the negative effects of using online communication.

  9. Nice blog. Socializing online could help us more to keep in touch with our loved ones and communicate on our friends but you should know your limitations and used it on a proper way..

  10. I've learn how to communicate through online when I was 15 years old! It helps me to talk to my parents abroad when I have a problem. It is easiest and fastest than in manual hand written letter. Yes Ms. melody, my classmate, is right "we have modern technology" Why we should not use??

  11. That is great blog. It is a great help to all people in the far place to communicate their family. By using Online, we can communicate the people who are in far place. It is a great help to have a fast communication to their love ones.

  12. This blog will help many of us to be aware on how to share all of our personal information to everyone especially on websites . We can use websites to communicate to our loved ones here and abroad but not to use website for broadcasting everything about ourselves because it is true that you can't trust anyone even your friends to know everything about you! Thank you for sharing your blog.

  13. This blog is so interesting because it can help people to socialize and communicate to the family, relatives and friends. But we have to be careful posting video, texting, sharing too much information because some people online have bad intentions.

  14. It's a great blog on "How To Socialize and Communicate Online". Many people are turning to the Internet as a mean to communicate, socialize, conduct business,and meet new friends. It's very helpful to us because we can communicate to our family, relatives and friends even they are in other places through internet

  15. Socializing online offers opportunities but sometimes it has a certain risks!!
    It is true..!!!Thanks for the smart information for reminding us"

  16. Socializing and communicate online can help us connect with family members and even friends,
    but sometimes there are also bad communication to strangers...

    We should be careful, smart, and think while communicating online,
    and be thankful for this kind of Technology!..

  17. Social networking is now the widest online communication.You can choose or buy an item thru online and talking to your love ones using yahoo or skype. Just be conscious every time you click ....think before you click

  18. I love reading this blog..
    Make it sure that your Password is strong and nobody knows it except you. Don't give your password to anyone even your friends..Be sure that whatever you post is true and not harmful to anyone because you can never take it back..Think before you click..

  19. The socialize in online is most popular,and also easy to communicated his/her family or friends.

  20. We should THINK before doing an actions. Be sure that your password is very protected. That's all.

  21. "How to Socialize and Communicate Online" for me, communicating in online is just for fun but bear in our mind, "think before you click."

  22. Socialize and communicate online is very helpful and useful to us specially communicating to our loved ones abroad..Thanks for the blog

  23. We always hear the incidents about online socializing and our parents always reminding us to talk if that person is our acquaintance or a family member .
    We have to be aware in socializing and communicating online .

  24. So far yet so near....This happen through socializing and communicating online:)

  25. Socialize and communicating are important to us now a day! Like Tweeter, Facebook, Mail and etc...

    But always remember that there is a disadvantage in the technology.

    The advantage of socialize and communication are you can talk to your loved ones even though they are too far away from us. You can see them face to face, your will not just think that you are alone......
    It's very helpful!!!!!

  26. Before we socialize online we have to think first on what we have to write because we can get feedback regarding on the ideas we share.

  27. Socializing online provides rich opportunities for making new friends, sharing interests with others and fulfillment but sometimes it posts a certain risk.

  28. for me, socialize and communicate online is one of the nice thing to communicate,specially if you have love ones working abroad.


  29. How we socialize and communicate online today, We owe it because of our new technologies and discoveries that really helps to express our thoughts and ideas.

  30. Nice blog . Yeah your right . We have to limit our post and we should think before we post something . Yes, that online may have an advantage to us but we should know that there is also a disadvantage to it .

  31. Wow !!!Nice article . socializing and communicating online is very helpful to us.So if you socialize and communicate you need to be careful and you have to use it on a proper way.
    Thank's for sharing:)

  32. It's a nice blog. That's true.
    Communicating and socializing online is the
    easiest way to communicate a far far relatives.

  33. Communication Online is big thing to me, because this is not only the voice of my sister that I can hear, I can also see her by using a cam to cam. So I'm very thankful now.

  34. Socialize and Communicate Online is very nice because it can help us to connect with family and friends to other country just only be careful in sending your photos and video posting.

  35. For me to socialize and communicate online is so great for family, husband, boyfriend and friend who work

  36. Socialize and communicate online is a good way on how we communicate with the people we love. It also a big help to those people who have a business online.

  37. Communicate via online is very advantageous for me because I can communicate to my mom in the other country, so I know her situation there. Thanks for the Blog!;')

  38. You will be recognized and many will know you because of socializing online. It is an outdoors outside or within the country.

  39. It's a nice blog. That's true
    Socialize and communicate online is very helpful and useful to us, especially communicating to our family and friends but, still we have to be careful in giving information about ourselves to avoid stolen identity.

    We should be careful, smart, and think while communicating online,
    and be thankful for this kind of Technology!

  40. A VERY NICE BLOG , socialization is a very important process in the forming of personality it allows us individuals in a community to develop very similar values , and online communication is very useful because it helps to bring together the world . Perhaps the fact that it brings together people of world and makes it well truly a global village not only to our love ones but in the whole world .

  41. Socialize and communicate online will help you to understand how young people are socializing online and also learn about different socializing methods . And as a student it helps me to communicate to others and socialize with other people values and not only to our loved ones but communicating online helps and benefits a lot of people .

  42. I'm an awkward person so this article helps me a lot to communicate and socialize online. It helps me to overcome my fear to socialize with other people. Now, I would able to express my feelings without being shy. Nice blog by the way!

  43. Socializing online is good as long as you know your parameter. There are so many advantages when you are using the social apps, you can communicate faster, you can do what you want there. You would be able to express your feelings there without feeling shy or awkward.

    You have a nice blog anyway!


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