Cyber Monday Sale Tips

There are lot of electronic sales today,  be careful when you buy products online.  Buy only on trusted online stores like Amazon or online store you trusted.  You should check first the feedback.  If there are only a few feedback take extra precaution when you buy.  If you buy an expensive item like a $1000,  make sure to buy a warranty.   If it cost like $400.  It is not advisable to insure it.  Also make sure you read the warranty and the restocking fee. 

It is safer to use your Internet at home for security purposes.  Do not buy when you are outside using Wi fi of for example Starbucks because it is unsecured,   your information can be easily stolen.   Also use your credit instead of debit when you buy.   It is advisable to take extra precaution when you buy online.


  1. Nice blog! It is a great idea to anybody for the awareness of buying products thru online.

  2. I like this blog. It gave me some tips of buying things via online
    but then I have heard from the news about cyber sale scam .
    It can happen if we're not aware of everything on the internet .

  3. This kind of blog may help others to be aware of buying products online.

  4. Thanks for this information.
    Even I, don't give my trust
    to buy anything thru online sales ..
    much better if you are the one who
    personally buy anything.

  5. Thanks to the blogger who has a golden heart in posting this kind of blog. So that the online buyers will have a warning when they buy online.


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