Symptoms of Hyperglycemia or High Blood Glucose in Diabetes

Symptoms of Hyperglycemia or High Blood Glucose in Diabetes


  1. "Hyperglycemia or what we call High Blood Glucose in Diabetes a disease that people should know, eating sweet food is OK but if it is too much it's not good to our body. Any disease can be prevented as long as you have concerned to your self."

  2. Hyperglycemia can also lead to more serious conditions. I guess avoiding sweet foods and less eating habits could help them more..

  3. Hyperglycemia is a symptom and cause of diabetes in which there are elevated levels of blood sugar, or glucose, in the bloodstream. It results from a complication with insulin, the chemical that lets cells get energy from glucose. It causes mild to severe symptoms and can eventually lead to coma and death.

    So, I recommend to control it with a balanced diet, regular and vigorous exercise, and weight loss. As much as possible, don't eat too much food with high content of sugar.

  4. Hyperglycemia is a disease that can cause death...To prevent such disease we should be watchful of what we are eating,avoid sweets food and try to control of eating habit.

  5. Hyperglycemia can be a serious problem if not treated in time.
    If you have diabetes, it is important to know the early signs of hyperglycemia.
    Make sure love our health first, and of course it is important to consult the doctor...

  6. That's incredible!!
    Now everyone knows what is Hyperglycemia that can cause a real damage in our blood circulation..
    We must pay attention to our daily craving intake of foods, and we need to drink a lot water and eat fresh fruit so we all stay fit and healthy..

  7. "Hyperglycemia" is one of the deadly disease if untreated it immediately so, we must exercise self-discipline at early age.

  8. All sick must be treated immediately so that it may not cause emergency conditions
    Controlling yourself with too much eating and stress can help you avoid this kind of sickness.
    We must have a discipline to ourselves for everything that we do.

  9. I am very sad, this kind of disease I remembered, my grandmother suffered of diabetes untill she died. I can say is everybody must take care of his or her health earlier,don't wait to become serious. It is better to consult to clinic everyday. "Be aware"

  10. Hyperglycemia or high blood can cause more diseases if you don`t care for it . We must control our diet,have a regular exercise and don`t eat so much food with sugar .

  11. Hyperglycemia is a signs of symptoms which suggest the presence of high blood sugar and diabetes.....

    So, Avoid eating sweet foods, maybe you eat but not too much.....Just always remind that there is a disadvantage with the sweet foods like chocolates,And others that are sweet.......Right!!!!! Just reminding you guys...

  12. Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar is a condition in which is an excessive amount of glucose circulates in the blood plasma. If too much sugar stays in your blood for a long time the blood vessels and nerves can be damage. This damage can cause blindness, kidney disease, nerve damage, heart disease and foot problems. It may also progress to diabetic coma. To prevent this make a habit in eating proper diet , exercise and discipline.

  13. To avoid High Blood Pressure (BP), also called [b]Hypertension[/b].
    Maintain a healthy weight, Be more physically active,
    Fit some light activity into your daily routine,
    Choose foodstuffs lower in salt and sodium,
    Buy fresh poultry, fish and lean meat, and fresh
    fruits and lessen the intake of salt.

  14. Many people have Symptoms of Hyperglycemia or High Blood Glucose in Diabetes due to excessive eating and improper nutrition should avoid sweets we can eat vegetables always ....

  15. High blood and diabetes is one of the chronic disease in the country. One of the cause of this is, you keep on eating too much fatty and food with high in sugar. To prevent it, we should keep our diet in a healthy manner. Reduce eating too much unhealthy food. In that way, we will have longer life.

  16. For people with diabetes, controlling blood sugar levels is important.....
    Having too much sugar in the blood for long periods of time can cause serious health problems if it's not treated.

  17. Avoid eating sweet foods and exercise daily, so that your health will be maintained. Always eat fruits and vegetables to prevent having disease or illness

  18. Hyperglycemia can be a serious heart problems, if
    not treated in time..So, take care of your health, eat nutritious food and have a daily exercise to avoid diseases.

  19. This kind of disease is a hard problem. I think to avoid that kind of disease maintain to eat proper diet.

  20. My mom is suffering for this kind of disease. She must eat good food for her health. This is a very very serious problem.

  21. Thanks for this information, I learned a lot and learned to avoid it.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Everybody should know how to maintain a balance diet to avoid sickness.

  24. ...Everybody should be eat a vegatables and mostly in fruits to aviod highblood

  25. We need to take care ourselves to avoid this disease. ;')

  26. If you don't like this disease,be careful to your body, eat a proper diet and take your body healthy don't forget to exercise.:)

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. We can get some tips to avoid this kind of sickness, we need to balance our exercise and proper diet..

  29. Having a disease like diabetes is not a joke.
    i know its very hard to the person who have

    so don't be late, start discipline your self.


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