Msnbc Suspended Countdown Hosts Keith Olbeman

Msnbc suspended Countdown hosts Keith Olberman after making 2,500 dollar campaign  contribution to 3 Democratic candidates last election.  Mr. Olberman has a right to donate since he is a  US citizen.  If it is Msnbc policy not to make contribution,  they should give him first a warning.  Indefinite suspension is too harsh.  Mostly educated and intelligent people watch Msnbc because of their intelligent hosts like Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow, Chris Mathew,  Chris O'Donell.   Yes, they are liberal but  you know they are telling the truth.  They are not fabricating stories.  I have a suggestion for Msnbc,  please let Jon Stewart  host the show temporarily.


  1. Employees have a policy to follow. If the host violates a rule, i think the employer has the right to suspend him.

  2. The issue about suspending the host is a company decision. If the host has a problem to his work, he deserves to accept the offense.


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