Outsourcing effects on U.S. Jobs

Six years ago some industry watchers believe as many as 300,000 jobs will be lost each year because of outsourcing.  Companies looking for cheap labor to lower the operation cost.   The majority of  Fortune 1000 companies send their work overseas.  They know before the long term effect of outsourcing, the Republican administration and Republican congress did not do anything to stop it or just to be fair to American employees.  Now that the Republican is in power again. We should demand  that they do something about this problem.   We also as a consumer should start buying again made in America products.  Made in America product have power.  People from different countries  have faith in products made in America, they are willing to pay a higher price because of the quality and because it is made in America.  Let us stop the greed of these companies who send jobs overseas to gain more profit because now we know the long term effect.


  1. People around the world should criticize greedy companies whose interest is only to earn or gain money. As a Filipino, I can say about this issue is that we should give honor to the Filipino workers and give importance to our own products because some people in other country discriminate the rights of the employees by giving lower salary. I hope government will not allow it to happen in our country.

  2. Patronizing own products are not only the problem of USA. All developing countries like Philippines experience same problem too.

  3. Most of the Filipinos work overseas. But what is the reason behind this? Instead of staying and serving our own country, they are forced to leave and decide to work abroad because of the high rate of unemployment here in the Philippines. The government should be responsible to those workers.

    Filipinos sacrifices overseas to give the needs of their family. So, government needs to protect and help them to avoid outsource effects overseas.

  4. Filipinos should patronize our own Philippines products so that Filipino workers will be more industrious to produce good products that can be affordable for the Filipino consumers.

  5. Let us stop the greediness of those companies to avoid the outsource effects overseas. As a Filipino, I recommend to all the countries to patronize your own products so that, all can handle this kind of problem.

  6. Americans who belongs to poverty status and willing to do any tasks can easily find. In this outsource, I don't know how it affects the economy? Well, what the filipinos are facing today, they receiving low salary so they still pushing to find a higher paying job..

  7. Being a Filipino, I can only contribute by patronizing our product and doing good quality of our product so that our customer will be totally satisfied to our Philippine product.

  8. We Filipinos should patronize our own product and our own country. We must buy first our products so that our country will be known, and the Filipinos will no longer work in another country.

  9. Americans are sometimes unfair u know!!!!!
    they have there claws under there gloves,

    Americans are also taking goods from china and selling to their fellow countrymen.
    and you gonna ask me buy American products
    NO WAY!

  10. To avoid such problem in every country, we should love and patronize every product produced by our own country....

  11. The outsourcing really affects every countrymen. If there is same problem like this in our country, let us join our hands together to face it... better if we consume our own product rather than using imported items....

  12. Well, Many filipinos are sucrificing for the own goods of their family even though they are not want to work abroad.

  13. That's the number one problem in every country's market "the outsourcing"..The major effect of this problem will be jobs subside in every country, and it's also an employees' reductions.

  14. Yeah, American product had a high quality we knew that already. But, for me it's unfair to those who pursued to their job about the company product that all of the sudden after what happened. They were saying that we should buy again their so called product even though we didn't like or needed it. It's so unfair! I didn't agree to what they want.

  15. Before we support/patronize the products of the other countries,
    we must first care/support our own products, so we will be known.
    and we can prevent outsourcing effects like in the other countries.

  16. The Filipino people mostly went to the other country because of low salary in Philippines. Eventhough it's hard for them to work far from their love ones, still they managed to sacrifice.

  17. Being a Filipino, the only thing that I can do is to patronize our own Filipino products. That's why we have help our country to be known.

  18. They said don't spend much money buying things that are not so important or let us say save money. For our economy cannot save like that and it is not good. The more we spend, the more we are helping our economy. So, we should patronize our products in order that producer produce new items.
    It's just like a cycle of life.

  19. We should be fair by giving the price . Because not all people can buy that product if it is in the higher cost . We should be buy our own product for the progress of our economy.

  20. For me the american is so unfair!!! . Because the products has a high price !! . . If you want to sell your product, sell it with a low your price!!. . . I don't want to buy your product because you sell it in higher cost . .

  21. Every country should patronize their own products by using their own materials and also by the help of their own man power . I can say that in the way the company send job overseas to gain more profit is kinda selfishness but many people want it , for the sake of their family . In Tagalog term we call it "kapit sa patalim"

  22. Lots outsourcing effects in every country..
    Le's make a stand and advocate others to stop greediness of the company

  23. Most Filipinos work abroad for the sake of their family. That's All !

  24. We Filipinos are willing to buy their product even if too much expensive,because what we all know is American products are in demand. But without knowing that some of their products came from China or in the other countries. They sell at a high cost and that is so unfair with us...

    But you know what, for me our products are much better than them....

  25. Many Filipinos goes abroad because of difficulty in our country and we the Filipinos we are enthusiastic to buy the product of another country so we suffer...

  26. May I say if I prefer to work here in that country, I can not able to serve my family, It's better to find work here in the Phillipines with my family..

  27. To prevent the outsourcing effect,we should love and be fair to our country by buying our own products and maintain our citizenship as Filipino.

  28. Outsourcing is the act of one company contracting With another company.
    I don't want to happen that outsourcing here in the Philippines .SO FIRST ..I contribute, I BUY Products made in Philippines so that .We can be able to help to improve our Philippine' economy!

  29. To prevent outsourcing issue, we should patronize our own product first,
    before we support the products of other country especially in U.S.

  30. Wow! Very nice I want to travel abroad very soon with my family and I want to go in Reno Nevada.

  31. Most of American are sometimes unfair!!! They sale their products to a high prize!!!American are not good sellers.

  32. Some of the Filipinos were attracted to an American product, we cannot blamed it. But for me, the patronage our own product made us to succeed aside from that it's affordable. So before anything else buy our own product fIrst.

  33. How's Philippines effected this kind of problem,
    Oh I think because of our Own Administrative,
    Please! let help each other and love our own country...

  34. Having our own product is a must that we have to patronize .

    Looking for an overseas worker is not bad but they will be far from their home and it is a kinda loneliness that we avoid to feel ..

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  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. ..The Filipino factory can patronizing or manufacture our own goods
    and to give improve/importance are own product to our country..
    and afford there to buy..

  38. Most Filipinos need to go abroad to earn a living and support the needs of their families. We need to patronize our products to have more companies to be opened and need more applicants to be hired so Filipinos need not go abroad to look for a job.


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